Zabbix Template: Drbd

- thetorminal/zabbix-drbd Beschreibung Zeigt eine Warnung an, wenn der primäre DRBD-Host zum sekundären wird oder der sekundäre offline geht. Zu diesem Zweck wird die Datei „/proc/drbd“ im Linux-System gelesen. ...

März 9, 2025 · 1 Minute · 88 Wörter · Josua

Zabbix Template: Docker Image Updates

Github Repository: Github - zabbix-docker-image-updates Description Based on “dockcheck” (CLI query to check updates): Github - dockcheck Shows number of available docker image updates on host (Example: “2 Docker Image updates on host-xyz”). Important: The Docker image version must be specified with :latest (e.g. in a docker-compose file), a fixed version number such as mariadb:10.6 does not work. Example notification: Tested with: Zabbix Server 7.0.5 zabbix-agent2 (on Debian 12 server) Getting Started Dependencies regclient/regctl (Licensed under Apache-2.0 License) Zabbix-Server with timeouts set up to 30 seconds! (Timeout=30) Host with zabbix-agent2 and docker installed Installing On Zabbix frontend server: Download and import the template docker-image-update.yaml Assign the Template Docker Image Updates' to the docker host(s) you want to monitor On all hosts you want to monitor: Manual: ...

März 3, 2025 · 2 Minuten · 244 Wörter · Josua

Telegram Servermanager

Github Repository: Github - telegram-servermanager Description This project gives you the possibility to run shell commands on a linux host from a telegram bot. Functions: /run: run shell commands /status: check status of a service /wake: wake up clients in your network with WakeOnLan Choose between whitelist or blacklist for the commands you want to run. You can add commands to the list in the setup. Logging: check the bot_activity.log to see, if someone is trying something evil. Use this bot carefully! Dont expose dangerous commands to it. ...

März 1, 2025 · 3 Minuten · 638 Wörter · Josua