Zabbix Template: Drbd

- thetorminal/zabbix-drbd Description Shows warning if the primary DRBD host becomes secondary or the secondary goes offline. The “/proc/drbd” file in the Linux system is read for this purpose. ...

March 9, 2025 · 1 min · 87 words · Josua

Zabbix Template: Docker Image Updates

Github Repository: Github - zabbix-docker-image-updates Description Based on “dockcheck” (CLI query to check updates): Github - dockcheck Shows number of available docker image updates on host (Example: “2 Docker Image updates on host-xyz”). Important: The Docker image version must be specified with :latest (e.g. in a docker-compose file), a fixed version number such as mariadb:10.6 does not work. Example notification: Tested with: Zabbix Server 7.0.5 zabbix-agent2 (on Debian 12 server) Getting Started Dependencies regclient/regctl (Licensed under Apache-2.0 License) Zabbix-Server with timeouts set up to 30 seconds! (Timeout=30) Host with zabbix-agent2 and docker installed Installing On Zabbix frontend server: Download and import the template docker-image-update.yaml Assign the Template Docker Image Updates' to the docker host(s) you want to monitor On all hosts you want to monitor: Manual: ...

March 3, 2025 · 2 min · 244 words · Josua

Telegram Servermanager

- thetorminal/telegram-servermanager Description This project gives you the possibility to run shell commands on a linux host from a telegram bot. Functions: ...

March 1, 2025 · 3 min · 635 words · Josua